Looking for information on Baltra Airport, Galapagos Is, Ecuador? Know about Baltra Airport in detail. Find out the location of Baltra Airport on Ecuador map and also find out airports near to ...
Looking for information on Salinas Airport, Salinas, Ecuador? Know about Salinas Airport in detail. Find out the location of Salinas Airport on Ecuador map and also find out airports near to Salinas.
Ecuador has intensified its crackdown on drug cartels as violent clashes in Guayaquil leave at least 22 people dead. Police and military forces have launched multiple raids, seizing weapons and ...
At least 22 people have been brutally killed in Ecuador's port city of Guayaquil after rival factions of a drug trafficking gang vying for control over territory exchanged gunfire. Gun battles ...
Election clerks go through the re-tallying of votes for Ecuador’s presidential and parliamentary elections, in Quito, Ecuador. Karen Toro/Reuters April’s runoff election could decide whether ...
Twenty-two people were killed in gunfights in Guayaquil, Ecuador’s largest city, on Thursday, in what police described as a possible clash between rival factions of the Los Tiguerones criminal gang ...
But new research suggests that millions of years ago, iguanas pulled off the 5,000 mile (8,000 kilometer) odyssey on a raft ...
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Thousands of tons are extracted every month, a large part, from the international waters located off the seas of Ecuador, Peru and Chile. The main player behind that voracious appetite is China ...
Clashes between rival criminal groups claimed the lives of 14 people over the weekend in Ecuador's port city of Guayaquil, the epicenter of a bloody power struggle between narco gangs, police said ...