China has placed great emphasis on the development of new energy. By the end of 2024, its installed capacity of new energy ...
At 11:31 AM on February 7, Henan's renewable energy output hit a record high of 30.77 million kilowatts, including 24.4 million from photovoltaic power and 6.37 million from wind power, accounting for ...
7日,老挝能矿部部长坡赛会见方虹大使,表示老方打击跨国电诈犯罪的坚定决心从未改变。 老已对向缅甸大其力地区供电采取限流举措,绝不允许老方供电用于支持民生以外的任何活动,特别是电诈等犯罪行为。 下步将继续与有关国家密切配合,视情采取进一步措施。
2月4日,由公司科技部牵头、上海 电科院 主导编制的国际电工委员会(IEC)国际标准“ 电力 机器人 术语(Robotics for electricity generation, transmission, and distribution systems - Part 1-1: Terminology for electric power ...
Thailand approved electricity exports to villages of neighboring countries in 1996. Established in 1960, the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) supplies electricity for five locations along the ...
CHENGDU, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) -- Approximately 200 people have been evacuated to safety after a landslide buried 10 houses and left over 30 people missing in southwest China's Sichuan Province on Saturday.
(曼谷9日讯)根据2月5日泰国国家安全委员会的决定,泰国电力公司停止向缅甸供电后,缅甸民众开始受到影响。由于电力和石油供应中断,受影响的缅甸民众于上周六(8日)在泰缅友谊桥1号和2号(缅甸一侧)集会抗议。泰国头条新闻社援引泰媒《Matichon》报导 ...
Last year was the second year that China's cumulative installed capacity of renewable energy power generation has exceeded 50 percent of the country's total installed capacity. By the end of 2023, the ...
缅甸靠近泰国边境贸易重镇苗瓦迪(Myawaddy)近年已成中国大陆诈骗集团集中地,大陆演艺人员也有遭拐骗赴泰国却沦为「猪仔」的案例,严重衝击泰国观光业。泰国政府终于决定以断供电力与油料的手段打击犯罪,周三(5日)针对至少5处边境口岸切断电力、网路、燃 ...