For online classes, you can be in any country, but you must have an adequate internet connection and a computer with a microphone and a camera. Who are the classes not suitable for? Unfortunately, our ...
Here are the key benefits of online English tutoring: 1. Flexibility & Convenience Learners can attend live English classes online ... Some platforms offer free trial lessons or discounts for ...
A charity that runs free English classes in Slough is helping some women break free from isolation. The community Hub Viva Slough has developed a course for people who just arrived in the UK or ...
Make learning English fun by playing free online games from BBC Bitesize. Play our fun Bitesize primary games and secondary games at home or in the classroom. These online interactive English ...
Migrants can access free English classes to learn the basics of English or to improve their language skills to get a job. Being able to speak and write English well can make all the difference for ...
Migrants can access free English classes to learn the basics of English or to improve their language skills to get a job. Ivan reports.