In March 1944, accused of collaborating with the Nazis, tens of thousands of people from the Caucasus were forcibly ...
Dear subscribers and readers of Qaznews24! How are you? I hope you're still sitting back and laughing at our news! There's ...
The Trump Administration has not included Ukraine in peace talks, much like Hitler did to Czechoslovakia in the 1930s.
How the historical analogy of Munich applies to the Ukraine war and how to deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Germany's important election last week struggled to make the news cycle, even on Germany's own Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany's equivalent of Britain's BBC. Especially (but not only) in the ...
In the run up to the annual St Patrick’s Day jamboree in the White House (this year set for March 12), there has been lively debate about whether it is appropriate for the Taoiseach and his entourage ...
It appears that part of this interest in building closer links to Russia, including by disdaining Ukraine, blaming the war on Ukraine (Russia invaded Ukraine), and Trump himself lavishly praising ...
Like my dish washer repair man who ranted about welfare for Syrians, or the cashier in my supermarket who hoped that so-called “remigration” of non-ethnic Germans will ease the housing crisis.
(Reuters) While more than 100 countries backed the resolution, the growing number of nations aligning with Russia signals a shifting global order. With Trump steering US foreign policy in a new ...
But how viable a partner is Vladimir Putin’s Russia, its economy weakened by years of Western sanctions, its population falling and the prospect of aggressive state intervention rarely far away?
US votes along Russia for the first time since start of Ukraine-Russia war Resolution condemns Moscow's actions, supports Ukraine's territorial integrity India, China, UAE among others abstain from ...
Here’s the thing, that territory held a population that included ethnic Germans but it also provided ... Just so we have the facts straight, Russia is the invader. The Russian invasion was ...