Daylight saving time​ in 2025, when clocks change by an hour, has started. Here's a look at when exactly we "spring forward." ...
When is Daylight Saving time change 2025? Do we gain an hour or lose an hour in March? What you need to know about DST and ...
The start of British Summer Time is fast approaching - here's everything you need to know about when the clocks go forward ...
Dr Mark Williams has explained exactly when you should switch off your phone if you want to get a good night's sleep ...
Get ready for later sunsets and spring temperatures — daylight saving time is almost here. On Sunday, states that have not ...
The clocks will "spring forward" by an hour at 1am on the last Sunday in March, which this year falls on Sunday, March 30, ...
March is here and spring is in the air. But nothing really says spring like the day we spring the clocks forward for the ...
As the days start to get lighter, many people are looking forward to the start of British Summer Time, when the clocks move ...