LIVE SETS (7D: Tiny Desk concerts, for example) BACK STORY ... Or perhaps I will just stick to blogging about the crossword puzzle. Thank you, Darby, for this excellent puzzle.
As with yesterday's puzzle, "Picture Frame," figuring out today's theme requires an extra step. It is not the word ROOT that is found AROUND each theme answer; it's the ROOT vegetable, BEET.
It Gets Better has found a clever new way to highlight some of the many words the Trump administration is trying to erase from government records. The LGBTQ+ advocacy group, whose mission "to ...
Gaffney is a crossword puzzle writer, and in this article he amusingly defined a specific type of renown: James was a perfect example of someone who was “crossword-famous.” If you do enough ...
Play the USA TODAY Daily Crossword Puzzle. OLD (49A ... LIVE SETS (7D: Tiny Desk concerts, for example) BACK STORY: The BACK word of each theme answer can be paired with the word STORY to form ...
Love crossword puzzles but don’t have all day to sit and solve a full-sized puzzle in your daily newspaper? That’s what The Mini is for! A bite-sized version of the New York Times’ well ...
Using them on a constant basis may polish vocabulary, reinforce problem-solving strategies, and create a nice little habit for puzzle fans. The March 7, 2025, New York Times Mini Crossword is the ...
Or perhaps I will just stick to blogging about the crossword puzzle. Thank you, Darby, for this excellent puzzle.