part of the MODEC, Inc. group, to undertake the topside module fabrication and integration of the FPSO Carioca MV30… MHWirth AS, a company owned by Akastor ASA, has entered into a contract with Keppel ...
The Mero field on the Libra block is located some 180 kilometers off the coast of Rio; FPSO Sepetiba has been chartered by Petrobras on a 22.5-year lease Oil and gas giant Petrobras has started ...
The SeaRose FPSO is now back in business at the White Rose oilfield in the Newfoundland offshore. The massive floating production storage and offloading vessel recently returned to this side of the ...
Petrobras is due to receive bids on 9 June for the P-86 FPSO to revitalise activities in the Marlim Sul and Marlim Leste fields in the Campos basin. The unit is to be contracted under an ...
worth approximately $48 million (USD) for the construction of six FPSO topsides modules. Armada Cabaca Ltd, an affiliate of Bumi Armada Berhad (Bumi Armada), a Malaysia-based international oilfield ...
中化新网讯 2月20日,在位于长兴岛的上海中远海运重工码头,全球首艘安装有碳捕集和封存装置的海上浮式生产储油卸油船(FPSO)宣布建造完毕并现场命名为“Agogo FPSO”,计划于本月底交付开航。 “Agogo FPSO”是上海中远海运重工承接的第七艘FPSO,也是上海 ...
Canada dropped 35 rigs for the week, according to Baker Hughes data. With 199 rigs running, the count is 8 fewer than the 207 units drilling this week a year ago. Canada dropped 35 rigs for the ...