J. Prather (MIT). City and Guilds Building, South Kensington Campus Our vision is to achieve enduring excellence in research and education at the interface of molecular science and engineering, to ...
Mar. 12, 2025 — In developing hearts, cells shuffle around, bumping into each other to find their place, and the stakes are high: pairing with the wrong cell could mean the difference between a ...
"NER is a versatile pathway that repairs all kinds of different DNA damage using a three-stage process that relies on delicately balanced molecular machinery. Unfortunately, harmful mutations can ...
Molecular dynamics is a method that uses Newton’s equations of motion to computationally simulate the time evolution of a set of interacting atoms. Such techniques are dependent on a description ...
1Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California.
Here, the authors create engineered cytokine ‘adaptors,’ molecular switches that simultaneously block a target cytokine while inducing local activation of alternative cytokine receptors.
Through time-course transcriptome and metabolome analyses, structural genes and regulatory factors of the flavonoid pathway that respond to exposure of the plant to low temperatures were subsequently ...
YAP and TAZ are part of a critical molecular pathway that usually helps cells grow and repair. However, in a preclinical model of pulmonary fibrosis, the researchers discovered that these proteins ...
More research may be required to identify the specific probiotic species and molecular pathways linking food consumption and pubertal timing. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and ...
The properties are molecular weight, number of amino acid sequences, theoretical pI, extinction coefficient, instability index, aliphatic index, half-life and number of positively and negatively ...
Septerna Inc. has announced its decision to discontinue a healthy volunteer phase I trial of SEP-786, an oral small-molecule agonist of the parathyroid hormone 1 receptor being developed for the ...
This manuscript provides valuable mechanistic insight into NSCLC progression, both in terms of tumour metastasis and the development of chemoresistance. The authors draw upon a range of techniques and ...