PEQUOT LAKES — Chelby Wothe continues to impress. The Pequot Lakes freshman scored her season-high 20 points in a 66-50 win against Foley Feb. 21 in the regular season finale. She followed it ...
A catastrophic lab bungle has seen the lives of two Australian woman turned upside down with one undergoing unneeded surgery for breast cancer she didn't have and the other left with an untreated ...
and most doctors require a similar timeline for top surgery. The stakes are high: According to the Gender Confirmation Center of San Francisco, smoking increases the risk of anesthesia ...
On European Sexual Health Day, experts highlight the growing interest in female intimate surgery. Credit: Shutterstock / BLACKDAY On the occasion of European Sexual Health Day, experts highlight the ...
Researchers know that marijuana use prior to surgery can potentially interact with anesthesia. In addition, it can lead to breathing difficulties and increased pain. Much like the benefits of quitting ...
Losing hair after surgery may be triggered by anesthesia during your procedure, stress, or some aspect of the procedure itself. A dermatologist can advise you on how to regrow your hair.
A study published Feb. 22 in Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications found that opioid-sparing anesthesia cut down on opioid-related adverse events in cardiac surgery and may also improve ...
A 59-year-old white female with a history of osteogenesis imperfecta ... Viscoelastic was injected into the anterior chamber with a 25-gauge needle after a betadine prep, local anesthesia, and ...
His tree trunk-like thighs, the stars of the show, were bare, tinged yellow from an iodine solution used to prep the skin for surgery ... at the hospital, anesthesia time, surgeon time, OR ...
DigiNerve, the EdTech platform from Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, announces significant updates to its Surgery MS (For Residency & NEET SS) course. This newly improved programme addresses the ...