The Teacher Incentive Allotment would be expanded in both senate and house bills. Will that help attract and retain teachers ...
Many schools in Vietnam now admit sixth graders based on academic records instead of entrance exam scores. Because of this, I ...
Janz, 52, teaches 10th and 11th grade English at Grass Lake High School. She’s also teaches the school’s speech class, ...
The Hannah-Pamplico High School senior wants to make it to Broadway shows and be a physical therapist. She plans to attend ...
Third and fourth grade students from North Side School, part of the East Williston Union Free School District, recently took ...
Rapidly-increasing levels of non-English speaking students in schools across the nation may be contributing to the abysmal ...
Allie Galas, 4th grade teacher at Jessie Beck Elementary School in Reno, receives the Nevada Milken Educator Award ...
From a pool of more than half a million Arizona students, 28 finalists took the stage at the Madison Center for the Arts in ...
Japan ranked fifth of 58 countries and regions for fourth grade math skills with 591 points, down two points from the prior survey; they ranked sixth in science with 555 points, seven points ...
A couple of Killbuck Elementary School students reached perfection in math and English/language arts. Principal Brian Lash commended the work of fifth-graders Dawson Miller and Oaklyn McVicker at ...
Atlanta Public Schools was the only large, urban school system in the U.S. that showed significant improvement in fourth grade math and ... with disabilities, our English learners.
Alabama is the only state where 4th-grade math scores are higher now than they were in 2019, before the pandemic. This is the ...