Themed crossword puzzles with a human touch. New daily puzzles each and every day! Smart, easy and fun crossword puzzles to get your day started with a smile. Get hints, track time, print, access ...
But now a looming Blank Gameweek raises a different question: whether to Free Hit when four teams with popular FPL assets will miss out, or save the chip for later. In this article, we’ll explore the ...
He's also the crossword editor of The New York Times ... the world to hold a college degree in Enigmatology, the study of puzzles, which he earned from Indiana University in 1974.
POSING (1D: Preparing for a mirror selfie) SHAVE (4D: Do the hair removal step of an "everything shower") MATEYS (10D: "My pirate pals!") TADA (51D: "Hooray for me!") This is a fun theme. As a ...
The NYT Mini Crossword continues to be a fan-favorite for those looking to engage in quick, brain-stimulating puzzles. For many puzzle enthusiasts, solving the NYT Mini Crossword is a daily ritual.
ILY (6A: Letters that might accompany <3 in a text) ILY = I Love You KNEELS (5D: Prepares to propose) ODES (41D: Poems written to a lover, maybe) TRYST (53D: Secret love affair) IS TO (56D: "To ...