Prospective students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the KMTC courses and qualifications. Check out this ...
海南大叶种红茶(Hainan Dayezhong black tea, HDBT)因其独特的香气而备受青睐。近日,福建农林大学吴亮宇老师在Food Chemistry期刊上发表了题为“Study on dynamic changes in ...
Synthetic cannabinoids, a class of new psychoactive substances, bind to cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 much more strongly than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), raising public ...
In our interview with Kate Perrault Uptmor, we asked her about the resources available for those interested in learning more ...
A review article by researchers at the School of Chemistry at Tel Aviv University describes cold electron ionization (EI), discusses its benefits, and demonstrates several unique applications for its ...