Witnesses told 5 News that the runaway truck struck the diesel pump at the Flatwoods Pilot location. Braxton County 911 ...
Deyvis Hernandez has pleaded guilty to conspiracy and wire fraud after he and his co-conspirators worked together to install ...
HOUSTON – According to experts, it might be a warning sign. The average price of gas in Houston is down 41 cents compared to ...
Overall, people paid about 20 cents less per gallon at the pump in ... purchasing gas at a Kroger gas station, for example, will give you a redemption value of up to 1,000 Fuel Points for $1 ...
For a third straight week, Peoria area drivers were ablet o spend less at the pump as prices continue to decline. According ...
For the third consecutive week of fuel price rollbacks, motorists can expect slight relief as diesel and kerosene prices drop ...
Gas prices fell for the fourth straight week on Monday and are likely to continue sliding below $3 per gallon, according to experts.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — Average gasoline prices in Columbus rose 18.5 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2.92 ...
Columbus area gas prices likely experienced a what experts call a price-cycle jump, while most of the county continues to see prices fall. According to GasBuddy’s survey of ...