Geometric Future's Model 0 Flamingo can wrap around your Mini-ITX motherboard in seconds, and is super easy to open, giving you full access to your system.
Aside from being charmingly named, Geometric Future says this is a 'backpack class' case design that doesn't just look pretty ...
Taiwan-based manufacturer Geometric Future is renowned for its aesthetically pleasing PC cases. The company recently unveiled ...
在当今追求极致便携与性能的科技时代,几何未来 (Geometric Future)以其全新发布的Model 0 ...
在近日的消费者电子展上,几何未来(Geometric Future)正式推出了其最新产品——Model 0 Flamingo折叠机箱。这款机箱因其独特的折叠设计和极致紧凑的体积,吸引了众多科技爱好者的注意。Model 0 Flamingo的外观以黑色为主,搭配金色装饰,展现出简约而高雅的气质。机箱的体积仅为3.47升,设计时特别考虑到ITX主板用户,为追求极简与便携的玩家提供了理想的选择。