The leaders of Germany's conservative bloc and the Social Democrats (SPD) have agreed on a common migration policy that would ...
Since September, the Federal Police have been carrying out checks at all German land borders. The federal police commission has heard increasing complaints about officers allegedly racially profiling ...
Today, we have again ordered temporary controls at all German borders for six months and notified the European Commission,' Scholz said ahead of February 23 elections in which immigration is a ...
P anaji, Oct 26 (PTI) German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday said borders should not be changed by "war or force", and ...
Almost two weeks after the Bundestag elections, the leaders of the conservative CDU/CSU bloc and the SPD have reached an ...
It was not just older voters who moved right. Among men between the ages of 18 and 24, support for the anti-mass migration ...
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF) - The Society of Civil Rights -  have filed a ...
This was first reported by the German Press Agency (dpa). The data mostly covers the period in which Germany significantly stepped-up controls at its borders with neighbouring EU countries ...
Ahead of the German general election this Sunday, some parties are calling for a clampdown on immigration. What would this mean for the European Union? Permanent controls at the Schengen borders.