A lively introduction to the language in ten short parts. Watch and listen to the clips and have a look at the key language and transcripts if needed. The Talk German TV series from which these ...
How does one find one's way around the rules of the German language, where do new words come from, and what are the most important changes in the use of the language - for example, due to ...
The Goethe-Institut strives to establishing the German language in the educational systems of the host countries and qualifies teachers. Every year more than a million people worldwide take a German ...
for example in case English was not the only language of instruction during your studies, we strongly recommend to take a language test and to submit a valid language certificate with your application ...
In German, many words change their form or add different endings according to their function in a sentence. For example, they change depending on whether the word is the subject or the object of ...
The Handbook of Texas keeps a lot of secrets in plain sight. It tells us extraordinary stories about immigrants. Germans, for ...
Making English the only official language goes against our nation’s history and traditions. Over the weekend, President ...
It is a process that begins during the first months of life and depends on several factors, for example ... to be speaking in an unknown language: German. This difference would indicate that ...