German auto industry investors can relax as the election produced a bland result. Anyone looking to find quick solutions to the industry’s malaise will be disappointed.
Germany's conservative bloc has sparked tension with its potential coalition partner by launching an inquiry into state ...
“And on top of that, it’s an internet party and from the beginning used the emotionalizing power of the internet for its own communication—much better than all other German parties together.
It is the first time since the Second World War that a far-right party has finished second in a German national election, although it has a slim chance of forming part of any new government because of ...
But these incidents haven’t stopped the AfD’s success: The party is projected to come in second in Sunday’s national elections and win about 20 percent of votes. The far-right German AfD ...
While all German parties have committed to excluding any kind of cooperation with AfD through the so-called Brandmauer (firewall), Aust said the far-right party—currently polling in second ...
DW examines how German parties get their money. Less than two weeks before the general election, an anti-corruption watchdog has urged a reform of Germany's "opaque" party funding laws.
transcript At the Munich Security Conference, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz rebuked ... his country’s imminent elections on behalf of a party that has played down the atrocities committed ...