The Admiralty remained firmly silent about the alarming successes claimed by German raiders for last week. From a German newsman had come an “eyewitness story” which, if true, revealed one of ...
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The German electoral authority confirmed the CDU's win in preliminary results, followed by the far-right AfD. The conservative Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) have gained the highest percentage of ...
This live page has now been closed. You can follow live election results here.
The Las Vegas Raiders were one of the most active teams on the first day of free agency. Unfortunately, they were among the most active by being one of the least active. The Raiders saw ...
Auto supplier Continental plans to shutter one plant in Germany, as the company has fallen short of financial targets, despite earlier cutbacks. German auto parts supplier Continental announced ...
Germany’s conservative leader Friedrich Merz emerged as the winner in Sunday’s election, but the results gave his bloc just one clear path to power with intense pressure to move quickly to ...
Las Vegas Raiders have had a major shake-up this offseason so far. Owner Mark Davis with the help of minority owner Tom Brady has brought in two key people who will look to turn around the ...
The image of German leadership has taken a hit at home as well as among other Europeans, with a notable decline from a median of 60% to 54% in the past 12 months alone. Slovenia, Norway ...
German citizens went to the polls this Sunday, taking part in snap federal elections in a vote that will shape the course of the EU's largest member state and its biggest economy for the next four ...
German news media, and much of the country’s political leadership, immersed themselves to a larger degree in a blizzard of foreign-policy pronouncements from the Trump administration as Western ...
Harry Ruiz nos tiene el reporte de los nuevos jugadores de los Malosos. Watch the latest Raiders press conferences from coaches and players. A new longform video series from Silver & Black ...