“I’m saddened to hear of the passing of my friend Junior Bridgeman. I had the privilege of playing against him, and I’ll never forget how he had one of the sweetest jump shots in the NB ...
It also marks my last month writing for this publication. It’s a bittersweet career moment. Bitter in saying goodbye to my hometown newspaper, one which I dreamed about working for since I was a ...
Without going in detail into the biographical particulars of Hazrat Fatima’s life, I would like to reproduce my favorited poems and stories of Fatima Zahra (SA) from the beautiful book “Fatima’s Touch ...
The tributes can also be poems structured to pass ... 50+ condolence messages to a friend who lost her husband Losing someone close such as a cousin always seems too soon. There is never a good time ...
My classmate really wants to be my friend. How do I tell her I’m not interested? Spend more quality time with your pal, and get to know their other friends It sounds obvious, but everyone likes ...
Ron served in a wide variety of key roles at Newquay RNLI between 1965-2008, and Gareth Horner, the station's current lifeboat operations manager, paid tribute: 'A builder and boatman, Ron had become ...
The paediatrician was still adamant it wasn’t epilepsy but agreed to arrange for an EEG to ‘prove me wrong’. Even then, he ...
It could be a lover, or it is possible that it is a friend. The lyrics are about a person who is moving on to bigger and better things. Although the narrator wants to go along and share the ride, they ...