Come, Follow Me” for March 17-23 covers Doctrine and Covenants 23-26, which includes revelation given to Emma Smith, the ...
This “Best of” list is a countdown to Number One. I don’t usually rank music — the choices often become arbitrary. But ...
Both were by the French poet, social worker and mystic Madeleine Delbrêl: “For the Gospel to reveal its mystery, no special ...
In 1897, author Mark Twain responded to an article in the New York Journal reporting he was on his deathbed by writing to the ...
Across town is the Basilica di Santa Chiara, dedicated to St. Clare, who embraced radical poverty to imitate St. Francis. He ...
After all, Lent is a purposeful 40-day period of sacrifice and spiritual discipline leading up to Easter Sunday's ...
Rep. Talarico calls out the moral failings of Christian nationalism and reminds us of our Christian responsibilities to our ...
"Through Word on Fire, Bishop Barron has helped countless souls discover, strengthen, or return to the Catholic Church by proclaiming the Gospel ... it with respect and strength." ...
Functional fitness queen Laura Horváth is advocating for women to do more strength training, saying "Every woman should be doing push-ups." “Every woman should be doing push-ups,” says the ...
We live in a world where poverty is a lifestyle, not a choice. Inspiring a change is the first step to changing that.
Third, analyze how to feed one’s testimony of the gospel. For herself, Sister Spannaus said ... “May the Lord bless you with the strength and power that comes from truly knowing who you are, and by ...