Stephanie Boshears is the only Tennessee recipient for the 2024-25 award and is the first-ever recipient in Oneida Special ...
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School will be closing its north driveway starting April 15, and as a result parents and guardians will have to pick up their kids at the E.J.H. Beard Administration Center ...
ROCKFORD, MI - A new outdoor education program for Rockford Public Schools’ elementary students was recently approved by the school board. Starting next school year, 26 students who are selected will ...
Title I interventionists sponsored a Book and Bagel 4th grade parent engagement activity at Hazleton Elementary/Middle School ...
A. R. Ware Elementary School first-grade teacher Karen Grady has been named the 2026 Virginia Regional Teacher of the Year ...
Beginning next school year, 13 elementary schools in the Tucson Unified School District will offer Pre-K through sixth grade.
A first-grade teacher at Andover Elementary School in Orlando was arrested by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office this week on ...
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Fayette County Schools is considering reconfiguring grade levels at Berry Elementary School and Berry High School due to space contraints.In a letter to parents ...
Keep up-to-date with everything that happens in your world. We promise to never spam you. You can opt-out at any time. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for ...
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS…. SCHOOLS YOU CAN BELIEVE IN! • Advisory Council Mtg 5:15 p.m. in Lounge.