Dan Spisak, Product Marketing Director at Agilent, discusses key advantages to the Infinity III LC series and its features – as well as the upgradeability of older systems.
A new review article provides an overview of the use of two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) for the quantitative analysis of natural products.
Before injection into the HPLC system, each standard and sample solution was passed through a 0.2-µm membrane filter.n After each injection, the column effluent was monitored for four minutes.
为了满足客户日常的色谱分析需求,赛默飞 Vanquish Access HPLC 液相色谱仪提供了合规、稳健的分析平台和完善的审计追踪体系,力求避免样品的重复测试,以及不必要的设备维护。 设计智能、经济适用的 Vanquish Access HPLC液相色谱系统将为您提供值得信赖的稳定 ...
Ltd. (Tianjing, China). Deionized water was used throughout the experiment. The other solvents were all analytical grade. The chromatographic analysis was performed on an e2695 HPLC system (Waters Co.
The study investigated the occurrence of explosive compounds at four demining sites in Amuru District, Northern Uganda. The ...
After eating asparagus, many people notice a change in the smell of urine. This curious phenomenon has raised questions for ...
KRA has announced an online auction for furniture, office equipment, and other items, offering individuals a chance to ...
This study makes the fundamental discovery of the first natural animal rhodopsin that uses a chloride ion instead of an amino acid side chain as a counterion. Using a combination of biochemical and ...