Metamorphosis of an Author” at the National Library of Israel, Jerusalem.
As a student you may have been exposed to hundreds and thousands of books, written by authors all over the world during all phases of human existence. Some books you may not have heard of are believed ...
These manuscripts show that the Septuagint with ... favored the shorter Hebrew Canon. Some Church fathers like Ambrose and Augustine favored the larger canon of the Septuagint.
Other inscriptions say things like “here is where scorpions are born” or this inscription over a largely empty Africa, “it is ...
In later centuries, Makkah came to be revered as the centre of the world (if not the universe), as illustrated in the ...
For centuries, the image of a monk hunched over a desk, painstakingly copying manuscripts by candlelight, has dominated our perception of scholarship in the Middle Ages. But what about the women?