I RECENTLY had the privilege of being invited to the induction of the 2025 Board of Directors and Trustees of the PANA (Philippine Association of National Advertisers) and the PANAF (PANA Foundation) ...
A New Jersey man whose wife was killed in a horrific hippopotamus attack last year during a safari in Africa is suing the U.S. company that arranged the trip, alleging it failed to ensure their safety ...
It’s cold, wet, or snowy, and just all over miserable, but World Hippo Day is February 15! We cannot uphold our unofficial title of Hippo Watch without celebrating. Enjoy some extra cuteness this week ...
A New Jersey woman was attacked by a hippo during a safari in Africa and died. Now, her husband is suing the American tour company that hosted the trip. Lisa Manders was by a river in Zambia last ...
The husband of a New Jersey woman, who was killed by a rampaging hippopotamus during the couple’s trip in Zambia last year, is suing the safari tour operator for alleged negligence. According to ...
The husband of a woman killed by a hippo while on an African safari says the tour operator failed to keep her safe. Lisa Manders, 70, was attacked last year in Zambia on a dream trip with her ...
Craig and Lisa Manders were on a guided walk in Zambia in June when a hippo charged out of the water, grabbed Lisa Manders by its mouth and crushed her head and body with its bite, according to the ...
There, they came across a hippo sitting in a body of water — which the lawsuit claims the tour guides “identified and highlighted” for the couple. open image in gallery Lisa Manders had her ...
American Woman Killed by Lion Attack in South African Safari Park Then, according to the complaint, the hippo suddenly and without warning lifted its head, charged from the waters and headed ...
Craig Manders’ lawsuit says he had his wife, Lisa, went on a “bush walk” with tour guides during their 10-day tour in Zambia last May when a hippo partially submerged in a river “suddenly ...