Computer science students are very active in the department. Three liaisons attend department faculty meetings and run monthly social gatherings, such as movie night and game night. A student-led club ...
“Next book out this fall”: Since this episode was recorded, Amanda Wasielewski and Anna Naslund’s co-edited book Critical ...
As a Bucknell computer science major, you'll learn to code and create new technology. More importantly, you'll discover exciting applications of computer science for the benefit of society. In small ...
In the 1940s, those mathematicians were chiefly women—the overlooked workers who helped launch the field of computer science. [ Related: The fascinating, rocky history of the ubiquitous Xerox ...
The table below sets out the time-scale of some of the major events in Earth history and developments in science and technology. It shows something of the parallel development of human ...
The six women celebrated are: Fossil hunter Mary Anning, who uncovered the first complete Plesiosaur skeleton. Computer ...