Be gentle with yourself. These are tough times. Be gentle with one another. Carry one another. Hope is a thing we nurture in one another, and which we sustain as a community. The Rev. Tim Hannon is a ...
How do you start your Bible study? Here are powerful opening prayers for Bible study group fellowships that help align your ...
The verses go on to tell us that there is fruit from receiving endurance and encouragement from God. The fruit is the ability ...
How and why should the church use empirical evidence for ministry and discernment? Empirical data and engagement with the broader context of Catholicism can help us to better understand the life of ...
If I truly am a follower of Jesus, it will show in my words and actions. I want to be known as one of the Easter people. The ...
The writer is a 14-year-old pupil at Loreto Grammar School in Altrincham. She was awarded second prize in the Columban Schools Competition 2025: 'Jubilee: Pilgrims of Hope'.'Pilgrims of Hope', a ...
As a clergy person who has served congregations in the Black and of-color communities in Chicago, Boston and Washington, DC ...
Churches in Britain have looked to mark the event by hosting traditional street parties and by releasing a Second World ...
The Vision Unlimited Foundation, a religious organisation has distributed free bibles and other gospel books to members of ...
so that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope”. 14 The New Testament recognises the definitive value of arguments based on the Jewish Scriptures.
Peter Beinart is not the first person to accuse Jews of genocide in the Purim story. It is a staple of antisemites. Beinart’s perversion is to make this accusation while posing as a committed Jew.
The Lord appeared to those who had begun to lose hope and opened their eyes to what the Scriptures foretold: that first He must die and then rise. May the Risen Lord breathe on our minds and open ...