Now in its 11th year, the Proven Winners Horticulture Scholarship program is accepting applications from both undergraduate ...
Irradiation can be used to induce mutations in plants with the goal to produce varieties that display improved product quality, have higher yields and yield stability, greater resilience to climate ...
Hyderabad: An international workshop on unlocking advances and applications in global tomato breeding was organised at the Sri Konda Laxman Telangana Horticultural University here on Wednesday. The ...
In a recent study, scientists have developed a revolutionary chromosome identification system for alfalfa, one of the world's ...
CsAGL16, that simultaneously regulates lateral branch development and drought tolerance in cucumbers. This dual-function ...
The WRKY transcription factors are recognized for their pivotal roles in plant development and stress responses, but their involvement in specialized ...
After a bumper year for the slimy molluscs in 2024, the Royal Horticultural Society says numbers will be down this spring.
Corrigendum: Genome-wide linkage mapping of Fusarium crown rot in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ...
Holden’s Fuchsia, Peach, Pink, Pink Flare, Raspberry Ruffles and Red plants display flashy blooms and, importantly, have ...
T&G Global Chief Executive Gareth Edgecombe says this recent decision shows China's commitment to the newly strengthened Seed Law and to protecting the brand's intellectual property rights.