Cambois - One of the most confusing place names in Northumberland, the seaside village south of Ashington could be confused ...
Dale Earnhardt Jr. saw something in Carson Kvapil a few years ago. Today, the young racer is a full-time rookie on Junior's ...
There's a debate many locals in Pittsburgh have about how to pronounce the name of the market known as Wholey's.
Ever wonder why former Auburn football coach Ralph “Shug” Jordan pronounced his last name the way he did? Jordan, the Tigers’ head coach from 1951-75, pronounced his surname “JURR-den,” rather than ...
If you were going to write a horror story about something in Minnesota, what would you choose as a focus? The newly released ...
Many Chinese names are butchered in English, often sounding like a bad karaoke rendition. While it is understandable that non-native speakers struggle with tones and phonetics, we native speakers ...
Vegetarians aren’t forgotten at Lucy’s, with the Veggie Omelette stuffed with Swiss cheese, tomato, mushroom, onion, and ...
English is becoming one of the most common languages worldwide, yet silent letters in words present a challenge for many ...
The classic American diner aesthetic hits you immediately – that black and white checkered floor practically screams “good ...
Former Sen. Richard Burr has registered to lobby for the first time now that his two-year ban on lobbying former colleagues ...