SeaweedFS is a fast distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake, for billions of files! Blob store has O(1) disk seek, cloud tiering. Filer supports Cloud Drive, cross-DC ...
Tim Fleming, Director of Technology Services, Forsyth County School District “The cost savings for VMware licensing alone was a big benefit because that’s included with Azure VMware Solution. Gaining ...
Maximum This maximal deployment will use Azure Premium Files, Azure Database for MySQL (Business Critical SKU 64 vCores), redis cache, elastic search (3 VMs), and pretty large storage sizes (both data ...
Very low time turbocharged Zephyr engine, recent turbochager OH, MT reversing prop, new leather interior, currently being painted, recent avionics upgrades. Logs since new. A very nice powerful, roomy ...
Here’s how it works. It’s certainly not an especially glamorous topic, but storage is absolutely an essential one when it comes to upgrading your studio space. And no, I’m not on about more shelving ...