Achieving the perfect texture in plant-based foods is challenging. How can customisable solutions help manufacturers create ...
- for durations up to 120 hours and areas up to 150 000 km 2 in the region of Australia where tropical storms are the source of the greatest depths of rainfall. - for durations up to 96 hours and ...
Wali, E; Tasumi, M; Klemm, O. 2024. ‘Estimation of evapotranspiration in south eastern Afghanistan using the GCOM-C algorithm on the basis of Landsat satellite ...
It looks like you're using an old browser. To access all of the content on Yr, we recommend that you update your browser. It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. To access all the ...
It looks like you're using an old browser. To access all of the content on Yr, we recommend that you update your browser. It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. To access all the ...