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The town centre mosque hosts guests as they break their fasts and share an Iftar meal. Arun District Council approved the plans with conditions largely centred around noise. Mosques council ...
More than 1.6 billion Muslims around the world follow the Islamic calendar in some form, meaning key dates, such as New Year’s Day, are marked at different times to the rest of the world ...
We're now mere weeks away from the release of Stephen Graham and Jack Thorne's highly anticipated drama series Adolescence, and a tense, emotionally-charged trailer has been released. The trailer ...
Every year, Muslims around the world anticipate the sighting of the new crescent moon that signifies the official first day of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the most sacred ...
If it hadn’t been for the second season of Mo — which premiered on January 30 — there wouldn’t have been any new shows to add to our roundup of the best Netflix drama shows. As it is ...
Missing Peaky Blinders? Well, Dope Girls is perfect then! The thrilling drama looks at 1920s London’s underbelly of organised crime from the point of view of the female gangs running it at the time.
Every Friday we bring you a new drama from BBC Radio 4 or Radio 3. Exercise your imagination with some of the best writers and actors on radio. Storytelling at its very best.
Kirsty Rosse-Emile is a 30-year-old mother from Melbourne who likes hip-hop music, NBA basketball, fitness and nutrition. She lives in a place known as Australia Street, with dozens of other ...
ዘወትር ከምሽቱ ሦስት ሰዓት ላይ ኢትዮጵያና ኤርትራ ውስጥ ለሚገኙ አድማጮች በአማርኛ የሚተላለፉ ዜናዎች፣ ቃለመጠይቆችና ሌሎችም ትኩስ ዘገባዎች፤ እንዲሁም በባሕል፣ በጤና፣ በሴቶች፣ በቤተሰብና በወጣቶች፣ በ ...
One of the projects we’ve been crowing about coming up on Netflix in 2025 is the streamer’s first-ever medical procedural series, Pulse. The series has had the lid lifted on it with an April 2025 ...
በካናዳው ቶሮንቶ ፒርሰን አየር ማረፊያ አንድ አውሮፕላን በማረፍ ላይ ሳለ ባጋጠመው አደጋ ጥቂት መንገደኞች ላይ ጉዳት ...
The stars of tvN’s upcoming drama “My Dearest Nemesis” have shared their thoughts on what viewers can look forward to in the drama! Based on a popular webtoon, “My Dearest Nemesis” tells ...