Each month, the CCG conducts what appears to be a ceremonial intrusion into the territorial waters of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, which are administered by Japan but claimed by China.
BEIJING—The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced that it has relocated a Chinese buoy from the waters around the disputed Senkaku Islands ... relations between China and Japan have been improving ...
China has removed a contentious buoy it placed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone near the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands, Tokyo and Beijing said, in a move that could help clear the way ...
BEIJING -- China has removed a buoy it placed near the Japan-administered Senkaku Islands in July 2023, the two governments revealed Tuesday, a possible reflection of improving relations.
This file photo taken in September 2012 shows the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. (Kyodo) TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Japan on Wednesday lodged a protest with China through a diplomatic channel after ...
The 650-foot China Coast Guard ship 6104 was around 170 miles off South Korea's west coast on Friday, according to open-source ship-tracking data viewed by Newsweek. Another ship, CCG- 6501, was ...
known in Japan as the Senkakus. The Chinese coastguard said the purpose of the patrols was to protect China’s rights and interests in accordance with the law. But Tokyo said it lodged a ...
Japan has ongoing territorial disputes with China, over the uninhabited Senkaku/Diaoyu islets in the East China Sea that are administered by Japan and claimed by China. Its sovereign disputes with ...
Those unfamiliar with this pattern — which Japan has experienced for decades — mistake the shift in tone as a sign that China is genuinely open to better relations, leading to declarations of ...
Japan and China have repeatedly faced off around uninhabited Japanese-administered islands that Tokyo calls the Senkaku and Beijing calls the Diaoyu. The Philippines and China have also clashed ...
Japan’s investment in China has plummeted by 60 per cent over the past decade, a casualty of escalating tensions between China and the United States as well as Beijing’s growing ...