25, 1999. Dermot O’Mara wants to send a message to Gov. Jesse Ventura: He’s Irish, quite sober and fighting mad. O’Mara became indignant when he tuned into “The Late Show with David ...
26, 1999. Lamenting that Minnesotans have “lost our sense of humor,” Gov. Jesse Ventura on Thursday offered a grudging apology for joking that St. Paul was planned by Irish drunks.
CNN’s Erin Burnett discussed politics with former third-party Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura on Thursday before the former professional wrestler took control of the interview, saying ...
When criticized for hiring a low percentage of African-Americans to serve in his administration, Gov. Jesse Ventura countered that his choices were made on a “color-blind” basis. Ventura might deserve ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura dropped by Business Insider to talk about his new book, "Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto." We asked the former Navy ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura dropped by Business Insider to talk about his new book, "Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto." We asked Ventura what he ...
Jesse Ventura opens up about his recent return to WWE. For many years, Jesse Ventura provided commentary alongside WWE owner Vince McMahon. Behind the scenes, though, the relationship between ...
Jesse Ventura's America was a news talk show hosted by Jesse Ventura on MSNBC from October to December 2003. The show was broadcast once a week, on Saturdays, unlike many MSNBC shows which are on ...