O blockbuster de animação "Ne Zha 2" se tornou o primeiro filme chinês a arrecadar 10 bilhões de yuans (US$ 1,39 bilhão) ...
Animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" became the first Chinese film to gross 10 billion yuan (about 1.39 billion U.S. dollars) when its total global earnings, including presales, reached the mark on ...
Aunque por primera vez Xie Yu no pudo pasar las vacaciones de la Fiesta de la Primavera con sus padres, lo consideró el ...
La superproducción de animación "Ne Zha 2" se ha convertido en la primera película china en recaudar 10.000 millones de ...
With a team of over 4,000 people, 1,900 special effects shots, and three years spent perfecting just one scene, “Ne Zha 2” is ...
Noting the movie's huge box office success and audience appeal, U.S. entertainment media outlet The Hollywood Reporter has ...
Jiaozi sind gefüllte Teigtaschen, die oft mit Fleisch oder Gemüse gefüllt sind. Sie ähneln Maultaschen oder Ravioli und sind ein beliebtes Gericht zum chinesischen Neujahr. Ihre Form erinnert an alte ...
除夕是农历年的最后一天,也是中国人最为重视的节日。除为“去,交替”,除夕便是“ 月穷岁尽,辞旧迎新 ”。据称,最早提及“除夕”这一名称的,是西晋周处撰著的《风土记》等史籍。
2月7日,《哪吒2》以62亿人民币登顶中国影史票房榜首。细心的网友发现,早在《哪吒1》公映时,导演饺子带领出品团队可可豆动画员工畅游“仙境张家界”。通过查看他们游玩张家界的图片,网友惊奇地发现张家界天子山峰林的照片与《哪吒1》开场时陈塘关城门的镜头十 ...
A animação "Ne Zha 2" é o filme mais assistido na história das bilheterias chinesas, ultrapassando 160 milhões de ingressos ...
在中国北方,有一句俗语:“好吃不过饺子,舒服不如倒着。” 饺子是北方家庭餐桌的常客,尤其是在春节,全家人围坐一起包饺子,这不仅是一种年俗,更是承载着浓厚情感的家庭活动。
widely known as Jiaozi, the film features Ne Zha, a popular young hero in Chinese ­legends and literature such as the literary classic “Journey to the West.” Born with unique powers, Ne Zha finds ...