Opinion: We must do everything else in our power to put the parasitic health insurance industry out of business.
Farmers have celebrated as a “completely bonkers” plan to turn hundreds of hectares of farmland along the Severn into salt ...
In the midst of your contemplation, you spot a license plate that starts with the numbers 111. Your eyes widen and your heart jumps a little because didn’t you read somewhere that repeating ...
S., Grape Australia Red Globe, Grape Krishna Sharad Super, Grapefruit (Jumbo Sharad), Grape T. G., Grape Bangalore Blue and Grapes (plames) — are being sold in the mela this time. The fruits ...
The mission began around 6 a.m. when the elephant was first spotted with another jumbo. By 6:45 a.m., it crossed the Chalakudy river and reached Vettilappara. The veterinary team, led by Chief ...
but the numbers became so iconic that they keep appearing, though sometimes they’re boosted to 99999 or even higher. Jumbo Cactuar is a creature that requires seven mana (two green, five other ...
It would be convenient if Apple added a numbers row to the standard iPhone keyboard, but it hasn't happened yet. If you want an iPhone keyboard with numbers, here's an iPhone texting trick: how to ...
Ever wondered what the series of numbers and letters on your car's windshield means? These markings or codes that are either etched, printed, or affixed to your windshield on a label are not random.
I’ll pick a short one – Catullus. Odi et amo: quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. My favourite translation is by Peter Whigham. It takes a bit of licence ...
Earlier in the millennium, annual passenger numbers at the airport ... The airport welcomes its first jumbo jet and the prototype for Concorde makes an appearance at the 1972 Airshow.
“These numbers reflect the Selangor government’s effort to uplift petty traders and boost entrepreneurship in the state,” Mohd Najwan said after attending the 2025 Ramadan Bazaar Kits and ...