The whiplash from the shut-it-down to keep-it-alive posturing only fed the contempt that many Democrats were already ...
The bill, which wouldn’t take the power to appoint CT’s child advocate away from the governor, is a far cry from what had ...
U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell held that Gwynne Wilcox, a former member of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB” or ...
Mass deportations and a debt-limit increase are being stalled by House-Senate differences and the massive size of the budget ...
Gov. Patrick Morrisey’s bills to fold the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Arts, Culture and History ...
The projected price tag for the pay raises that about two-thirds of the state's executive branch employees would receive ...
Gov. Patrick Morrisey’s bills to fold the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Arts, Culture and History ...
Arkansas lawmakers will vote next week on a proposed overhaul of the state employee pay plan, which is expected to cost a ...
This week's break allows lawmakers to take a needed breath after what has been a first half filled with hundreds of bills, a few policy surprises, high drama and tension.
As Montana Legislature heads into second half of the session, lawmakers focus on budget, property taxes, healthcare, social ...
DENVER (AP) — For decades, conservatives in Congress have talked about the need to cut government deeply, but they have ...