Follow one of these two diets to lower your risk of developing cancer and increase your chances of living longer, says ...
An expert has highlighted one 'longevity superfood' that's not just 'delicious' but also nutrient-rich. Dan Buettner, aged 64 ...
Dan Buettner, 64, put a spotlight on the elusive 'Blue Zone' of Okinawa, Japan, where residents are reportedly more likely to ...
"Gronk" wasn't known as a study buff in the NFL, but he'd love to research some of the world's oldest-living people on an ...
Locals living on idyllic island where locals regularly live to reach 100 say three simple words before eating that could ...
People living on the island of Okinawa in Japan are among the longest living in the world - and it is thought a simple ...
There are more than 230 known species of shell ginger in the world, of which at least 18 are found in Taiwan | ...
Locals living on Japanese island known for their long life expectancies say three simple words before every meal time ...
The clownfish-anemone living arrangement is one of the most widely recognized examples of symbiosis. Researchers have made a ...
When it comes to finding the cheapest places to live in the U.S. for city dwellers, the best locations to settle down are mostly south of the Mason-Dixon line. Tennessee and Alabama are just a ...