Contemporary logic circuits use MOSFETs as the elements to build gates, but there are many ways to implement them. Using relays is one of them, and you can literally see how they work.
and digital logic gates. Qucs also utilizes SPICE-based simulation, which can model various types of circuit behavior, such as DC, AC, transient, and small-signal analysis. Unfortunately there are ...
A collection of transistors and resistors that implement Boolean logic operations in a digital circuit. Logic gates have one or two 0 or 1 inputs but only one 0 or 1 output as in the following ...
A single digital signal has only two states - on or off. However, if you use two inputs you can double the number of possible states, to four.
Computers use electrical circuits which have two states – on or off. This can also be represented as 1 or 0 or True and False. Logic gates take an input of True or False and give an output of ...
Box 1: Criteria for practical optical logic. The electronic transistor and the logic gates based on it have qualitative features that are crucial for systems of any complexity, but very few ...