Chemical inhibition of DHX9 enzymatic activity elicited similar selective effects on cell proliferation as seen with genetic knockdown ... CellTiter-Glo (CTG) 2.0 Luminescent Cell Viability Assay ...
MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and cytokinesis-block proliferation index (CBPI ... blank - quality check of assay (phosphate buffered saline - PBS), (2) negative ...
Modified plaque or double layer agar assay was used for rapid assessment of the presence of active phages on the PDMS-Phage and SNAP-PDMS-Phage surfaces. In these experiments, E. coli was grown ...
Whatever the case, it is easy to see that uses for fluorescent dyes are extensive. Importantly, dyes are often not specific to only one type of assay. For example, the same dye that can detect and ...
Epidermal Growth Factor Stability and Cell Proliferation Enhanced by Antioxidants. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, ...
Additionally, an MTT assay was then performed according to manufacturer’s protocols (Abcam ... Specifically, we demonstrate that the loss of NLRX1 increases proliferation, decreases cell death, ...
Viability of APCs was assessed 18 h post illumination. For the B6 macrophage cell line, viability was analyzed using the MTT-based CellTiter 96 AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay (Promega).
Pooled populations of knockdown cells and overexpression cells, which were obtained 2 weeks after drug selection without subcloning, were used in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. The cell ...