Loggerhead turtles can recognize the magnetic signatures that they associate with getting a nice meal – and do an adorable ...
A new trick for illuminating the internal ordering within a special type of magnet could help engineers build better ...
A new study from researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provides the first empirical evidence that ...
It took 250 years for the Laschamps reversal to take place and it stayed in the unusual orientation for about 440 years. At most, Earth's magnetic field may have remained at 25 percent of its current ...
Earth's magnetic field occasionally bursts into song — but these compositions are written with electromagnetic radiation, not ...
A team of physicists and engineers at the University of Colorado Boulder has discovered a new way to measure the orientation of magnetic fields using what may be the tiniest compasses around—atoms.
The energy resolution limit (ERL) is a mix of parameters representing the economics of a quantum system within a sensor's ...
Scientists have unlocked a previously unseen behavior of acoustic waves, opening up new possibilities for cutting-edge ...
Even in the fuzzy, probabilistic world of quantum physics, though, there’s a limit on how small you can go. Both ...
Magnetic, gravitational and electrical fields are all 2D representations of a 3D world. For this reason particular conventions are agreed upon within the physics world. When the directions go beyond ...
An international team of scientists have modelled formation and evolution of strongest magnetic fields in the Universe.
New research indicates that matter ejected during the supernova death of a star can fall back to neutrons stars, giving rise ...