(八打灵再也讯)一名女子恳请大众协助寻找其失踪的缅因猫(Maine Coon),该猫疑因家中遭3名男子闯入企图盗走,后逃入附近草丛失踪。 事主Cindy Xloozie透露,事发于柔佛再也玛斯花园(Taman Jaya Mas),当时三名男子破门闯入 ...
The beloved feline was feared dead for two months after the Palisades wildfire in Los Angeles left her family's home in ashes ...
It has been two months since the Palisades wildfire rampage, and one lucky cat has been reunited with its family.
In this incredible moment captured on video, a massive Maine Coon cat meets a gentle wolf. The two creatures slowly approach ...
Not only does this Macaw named Louie push around a shopping cart like he's a single dad doing the weekly grocery run at ...
From a highway camera capturing a swan leading police on a wild chase to a cat reuniting with its owner after the Los Angeles ...
A wildfire left Katherine Kiefer with almost nothing! Her home, her cat, her hope were gone! However, a surprise call changed ...
TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — A baby sea lion toting an artificial kelp strip was filmed performing intricate rhythmic ...
A California cat named Aggie, feared dead for two months, was reunited with her owner after being rescued from the Palisades wildfire.
Owner Julie Nashawaty told Newsweek that elderly feline Luna hasn't left her side since she returned from a vacation.
A California woman who lost her home in the devastating firestorm that engulfed the Palisades experienced a tearful reunion ...