At first glance, these puzzles may seem easy, but when you sit down to solve them, you realise they are not as simple as they appear. Maths puzzles, in particular, can be tricky — numbers, patterns ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
A challenging maths brain teaser posted on X left users baffled, with its puzzling number sequence. Brain teasers, especially those involving maths, have gained immense popularity on social media ...
Maths puzzles aren't just about solving a problem – they're also about reading the question carefully for any clues. And this is definitely the case for this brainteaser, which just 10% of ...
Professional development (PD) is another key facet of the project. The Cornerstone Maths PD Toolkit has been designed for use by individual schools and groups of schools in addition to those who ...
Maths puzzles tend to go viral because they offer a mix of curiosity, challenge, and competition. Unlike straightforward arithmetic, these puzzles often rely on hidden patterns, alternative logic ...
KS1 Maths: Number Bonds with Martin Dougan. videoKS1 Maths: Number Bonds with Martin Dougan Let Newsround's Martin Dougan explain number bonds with this fun song and movement routine for your ...
The Materials Project is a multi-institution, multi-national effort to compute the properties of all inorganic materials and provide the data and associated analysis algorithms for every materials ...
Dr Tom Crawford, who has more than 200,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel Tom Rocks Maths, is the show's first ... "They were throwing number puzzles at me," he explained.
KS1 Maths Collection. collectionKS1 Maths Collection Find easy-to-follow active learning videos covering topics including division, number bonds and the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times tables. Key Stage 1.