A video captured an Army jumpmaster acting as the flight ‘safety’ grabbing a soldier whose static line had wrapped around his ...
Lucknow: Enhancing capabilities of special forces to penetrate beyond the enemy line without getting detected, on Thursday, ...
The combat freefall jump of military combat parachute system was carried out from an altitude of 27,000ft with a full combat ...
The 412th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne), a U.S. Army Reserve unit based in Columbus will conduct airborne operations at ...
Army Reserve soldiers will be dropping by a field on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s Area A Friday. The 412th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne), an Army Reserve unit based in Columbus, will conduct ...
The Dickin Medal, also known as the animals' Victoria Cross, was awarded for bravery 54 times between 1943 and 1949: to 18 ...
Air Force's Y-20 strategic transport aircraft is in a constant process of hardware and software upgrades, with primary-level ...
Cheltenham Festival day on live. If Guy Lavender, Cheltenham’s new CEO, is not ready for his first Festival without a pint in ...
As Europe prepares for a world without American military aid, the E.U. plans to invest €800 billion on defense.
There is a line in the original Pirates of the Caribbean movie that speaks volumes. Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner used an upside-down rowboat to walk underwater causing Turner to say, “This is ...
A CORONER has reached a conclusion over the death of an experienced skydiver after a parachute jump from Croatia’s highest viaduct ... Sadly however, he died soon after in an ambulance on the way to ...
A CORONER has reached a conclusion over the death of an experienced skydiver after a parachute jump from Croatia’s highest viaduct. An inquest into the death of James Allen was formally concluded at ...