The accelerating rate of technological advance is revolutionising molecular cell biology ... approaches as on modern imaging techniques, and a developmental lab will work from the traditional ...
We use molecular biology, proteomics, and genomic techniques to explore these systems and develop innovative approaches, with the ultimate goal of clarifying the mechanisms that control cell fate.
Molecular biology is concerned with understanding processes in living organisms at a molecular level, as well as the chemical and physical structure of macromolecules. Molecular biologists focus on ...
The Brandeis Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) Program offers a uniquely collaborative ... Our programs provide training in cutting-edge techniques, quantitative analysis and communication skills ...
On the technical side, our lab uses a number of complementary approaches to identify and study genes controlling axon navigation. Techniques involve genetic screens, RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9 ...
Plant breeding aims at the genetic enhancement of crops through the application of principles of Mendelian Genetics and modern tools and techniques of cell and molecular biology. Many breeding ...
In the second, we explored naturally occurring communities of microorganisms using molecular methods that sidestep the need to cultivate the organisms. Although these two research areas might seem ...
The PhD program in Molecular and Cell Biology begins with core courses in biochemistry ... For those who choose the thesis option, lab work will expose students to state-of-the-art research techniques ...
A new approach for Brillouin microscopy has improved the speed and throughput 1000-fold, offering a quicker method to explore ...
Biochemists and molecular biologists study the chemistry of life ... From the start of your program, you will have access to the key instruments and techniques commonly employed in biology and ...
Kat Ciazynska began her studies at King’s College London, where she worked in James Mason’s lab, applying biophysical techniques ... the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge ...
In Bethel’s B.S. in biology with a cellular/molecular emphasis, you’ll build a foundation in the biological sciences ... microarray analysis and experimentation, environmental field sampling ...