科学家刚刚在澳大利亚闪电岭发现了一种名为针鼹的古老单孔类动物,这种动物生活在 100 亿年前。这种古老的针鼹和鸭嘴兽的混合体让我们得以一窥卵生哺乳动物在陆地上漫游的时代,为我们的史前知识增添了激动人心的一章。 澳大利亚的惊人发现 针鼹鼠的 ...
“It is a thing the essay loves: to tend, carefully, painstakingly, to the fact of the world,” A. Kendra Greene writes in “No Less Strange or Wonderful,” her new book of essays.
We’re all familiar with the major bones of a human body, although many folks don’t know their official names. Far less well-known are some small bones, most of which are really tiny, roughly the size ...
Venoms evolved convergently in diverse animal lineages as key adaptations that increase the evolutionary fitness of species which are manifold employed for defense, predation, and competition. They ...
Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to this form of reproduction, which is why mammals (monotremes aside) and some fish and reptiles have opted for the live birth path. A key problem is that all ...