Mooring tool kits. Inspection on vsl export tanker checklist and pre vetting of complete vessel. All Mooring Equipments/Tool Box and all hawsers and soft ropes and chains and anchors taken care off.
After careful consideration and extensive discussions, both parties have mutually agreed that the proposed mooring venture will not proceed. This decision was not made lightly. Both Bahamas Moorings ...
FPSO Agogo is Yinson Production’s largest vessel by capacity, capable of producing 120,000 barrels of oil per day, processing 180,000 barrels of liquids daily, compressing 230 million standard ...
Terms of the deal were not disclosed. The FPSO is famous for the number of fields it has worked on, starting in 1986 with the Oseberg field in Norway. This was followed by nine more redeployments ...
SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, February 20, 2025 / -- Yinson Production has officially named the Agogo FPSO at a grand naming and sail away ceremony held at ...
President Donald Trump is overhauling the federal government in ways big and small, including a refresh of his desk at the White House. Trump has ordered work done on the Resolute Desk, which has ...
Scana-owned Seasystems has signed a contract for the delivery of mooring equipment to a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) project, worth up to $6.7 million. The delivery consists of mooring ...
Floating production solutions specialist Amplus Energy Services has signed an agreement with Altera Infrastructure to acquire the Petrojarl I floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit, ...
The FPSO is turret moored, with a hull built using BW Offshore's RapidFramework design. The topsides processing deck, which is supported by the hull, weighs 45,000 tonnes. The new floater ...
It has won awards for maritime rope safety and handling, and recently an OTC Spotlight on Lankhorst Mooring Ropes for Western Isles Development FPSO Lankhorst Ropes won a contract by Aberdeen based ...
of Japan to convert Ellida, a 137,684-dwt tanker, into a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel ... be the installation of a turret mooring system, complete with supporting ...