Lucknow: Patients at the Mother and Childcare Hospital (MCH ... The process of installing a CT scan machine in the referral hospital is in its final stages, bringing much-needed relief to patients.
“I want to celebrate Mother’s Day in an environmentally friendly way this year. What are the best ways to show mum I love her, but help the planet too?” Mother’s Day is on March 30, and it ...
Both rowing and running are good exercises for boosting stamina and strengthening the heart muscle, according to Putsov. "However, their effectiveness may depend on your fitness level, specific ...
Danielle Brandon’s unconventional path to becoming one of the fittest women on earth - HOW I TRAIN: “Sport gave me something ...
If you’re into boating, kayaking, paddle boarding, rowing, and other leisurely water sports ... He designed over 1,000 structures, incorporating Mother Earth into the very foundations of his designs.
Circulatory death livers preserved for donation with normothermic machine perfusion had the lowest early allograft dysfunction rate. This method led to the shortest hospital and ICU lengths of stay.