This valuable study shows that a very slow (infraslow) oscillation occurs in voltage recordings from the dentate gyrus of the adult mouse. The authors suggest that it is related to sleep stage and ...
There should be a correlation. (3) It is necessary to describe the extent of AAV-Cre infection. The authors injected AAV into the dorsal DG (AP -1.9 mm), but the histology shows the ventral DG ...
The latter include atraumatic manipulation of the papilla, avoidance of pancreatic duct injection for biliary ... soft-tipped guide wires to access bile ducts. Aggressive hydration, maintenance ...
FOR the 6,000 people in the UK who are newly diagnosed with bile duct cancer every year, the prognosis is uniquely grim. According to data from Cancer Research UK, up to 70 per cent of all these ...
Doctors in the UK are hoping to transform the lives of people with deadly bile duct cancer. A new study – which has shown promising early results – matches the patient’s tumour to one or more of seven ...
LITTLE attention has been paid to polypoid epithelial tumors of the bile ducts in spite of their favorable prognosis, often disabling symptoms, difficulty of clinical recognition and relation to ...
You may also have an injection of antibiotics into the cannula to help prevent infection. Your doctor cleans your upper abdomen. They inject a local anaesthetic into your skin over your liver. This ...
Biliary colic (also known as a "gallbladder attack") is abdominal pain that develops due to a blockage in the bile ducts. Bile ducts carry bile (digestive fluid) from your liver to your ...
A new report in Science by Ma and colleagues uncovers the interplay of microbiota-controlled bile acid metabolism and immune responses in the context of primary and metastatic liver tumours in mice.
Giant-cell transformation was present in two infants. Focal obliteration of bile ducts, secondary to cholangitis, was frequent, and may have been the cause of extrahepatic biliary atresia in two ...