Massage your legs with a muscle-relaxing essential oil, such as lavender oil, for immediate relief from period discomfort.
Understand the causes and symptoms of sprains, strains, and muscle spasms, and find how to prevent and treat these common musculoskeletal injuries.
Are you currently fasting and wondering if you can have electrolytes? Discover whether electrolytes break a fast and their ...
Puri: More than 50 tourists needed consultation from doctors in the past week following encounters with jellyfish at Puri sea ...
There are many ragi benefits when it comes to menstrual health and well-being. Check out the various ways finger millet can ...
With tried-and-true products like a packable walking cane and a portable massager, our writer doesn’t let mobility challenges ...
Discover how the 2025 Cape Town Cycle Tour is set to energise local businesses and attract thousands of cyclists from around ...
Four months later, it’s the most grueling memories that have also become the most meaningful ones. When the Dodgers won the ...
IF YOUR MAIN FITNESS goal is to add mass and chisel out your figure, then the thought of building "lean muscle" likely sounds rather appealing. After all, why would you dedicate hours in the gym ...
Q: I get a cramp in my left calf when I run for more than 20 minutes ... But when the demand for oxygen and nutrients rises, as happens when you exercise, the decreased flow of blood can lead to the ...
Symptoms vary according to the type of focal dystonia. Early symptoms may include a loss of precision in muscle coordination. For example, people may first notice increasing difficulty using a pen.
According to Dr Abdul Majid Khan, Consultant Physician and Diabetologist at Olive Hospital in Hyderabad, susceptibility to muscle cramp increases with the intake of water alone therefore ...