Since a lot of you might be dining out this weekend to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we have some tips to keep in mind to help you and your loved ones stay heart-healthy.
Managing your weight contributes to good health now and as you age. In contrast, obesity can lead to serious health problems including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
It is paramount for individuals to have a healthy heart, primarily to pump carbon dioxide out of the body and deliver ...
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The leading cause of death in the U.S. for over 100 years has been heart disease, but there are several effective strategies individuals can adopt to significantly reduce their risk.
Breakfast and lunch were free for students across the country during much of the COVID-19 pandemic. But, since Congress ...
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It’s not like I can call up a bunch of people and say hey, guess what the latest thing on my plate is, because, it was a situation where his privacy had to be respected, so I couldn’t talk about it, ...